Asset Reports for Pre-Litigation

For clients that do not have a court issued Judgment, we can look for the following: Real Property, Registered Vehicles* including Recreational Vehicles & Trailers, Boats & Watercraft, FAA licensing & registered Air-crafts, Businesses filings and Company Affiliations, Professional Licenses, Bankruptcy Filings, Judgments & Liens including State and Federal Tax Liens, UCC Filings, Court Records (Civil-Criminal-Domestic), and a 10 year Address History.

Cost:  $250 to $400 most of the time but prices vary as it depends on the amount of assets found and the ease to verify them.  A typical add on for this report is an Employment Search or a Phone Search or a Bank Search.

Time Frames:  Most routine Asset searches take 1 to 2 weeks.  The turn around time depends on the amount of assets/debts identified, the source of the information and the location.  This allows time to verify/confirm the information we have identified.  We ask that you please do not call or email and ask for a status on a routine request.  Either we are still working on your request or we have finished and turned over the results to you.  In order to keep costs down, we can not take the time to go over each asset investigation as it transpires or provide partial reports or updates on every case or we would never get the work done.  We need to focus our time on your requests being diligently performed with all leads exhausted.  Upon completion, we will provide you with a confirmed detailed report of our findings.  (Note: Some California State records may be limited)

Rush Time Frames:   We understand some clients will have a dead line/statute and may need us to rush a locate investigation.  We can do that, but understand we may not have time to confirm all the information found.  A rush fee will apply based on the scope of the job, $30 to $50.

Getting started:  Please fill out our Asset Search Request Form and send it to the email address on the form.  Make sure you fill out the case info.  If the case hasn’t  been filed yet, enter the info as if it would be filed and list Pending in the case number box.


We will respond to your email with a job number in the subject line.   If you do not receive a response in a few hours, call our office to make sure we received your request.

ATTORNEYS: DO NOT PROVIDE COPIES OF OUR REPORTS DIRECTLY TO YOUR CLIENTS.   As an attorney working with an investigator you are privileged to certain information, such as *Oregon State DMV driver and/or vehicle info that your client does not have permissible purpose to see.  As the attorney we are sure you are aware of this, please make sure your staff does as well.  If your client requests a copy of our report, make them a redacted copy or request one from our office.

We also offer Banking Institution Locate Searches

We also offer Employment Locate Searches

We also offer Phone Searches

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