We offer two types of employment searches.
Restricted database search: The first type of search is done via extensive internet research in restricted databases and working with our investigative contacts around the USA. Our restricted databases are not available to the general public and are not similar to those the general public may find on the internet.
Most of the time it takes 2 to 3 weeks to conduct a search. We ask that you please try not call or email, asking for status on a routine locate request. When we have finished we will turn the results over to you.
To conduct a restricted database search we will need the subject’s Full name, date of birth, social security number and last known address. Providing a valid phone number will also help. If you do not have all of the info needed we can locate it. Full name, DOB, SS#, City/State are required. If you need us to locate either the DOB or SS# we can for $20 or both for $30.
Successful restricted database searches cost $295, plus any additional service requested, and must be paid in advance. ( If our search is unsuccessful, we will charge $95.) If you are requesting a DOB or SS# search, you will need to add that to your payment total. Law firms and company clients can request to be invoiced.
To get started download and fill out the our Employment Search Request Form below.
Physical surveillance: Another option is having a licensed Private Investigator conduct surveillance. This is best for a subject who may be working ‘under the table’ often referred to as unreported employment; and/or self employed; or not reporting all earnings. Many times this can be faster if the subject is active. Sometimes clients need physical proof for court. Surveillance is billed by the hour.
See Surveillance on our site for more information about this option. There you will find prices. Then give us a call or email to get started.
Either employment search option can be selected on our Employment Search Request Form. The downloadable link to our fillable Employment search request form in PDF format is here:
We will respond to your email with a job number in the subject line. If you do not receive a response in a few hours, call our office to make sure we received your request. We will respond to your email with a job number in the subject line.
Need to collect on a judgment and want to Garnish the subject’s wages? See Writ of Garnishment on our site for more information.