Phone searches to locate a phone number or the name and address.
Reverse Phone Number: You provide the phone number and we will search for the owner’s name and address on file. $65 if we find the info or $25 if we do not.
Find a Mobile Phone Number: You provide the name, date of birth, social security number or last known address and home phone and we will search for a cell phone line. $95 if we find the info or $25 if we do not. Add $30 if you don’t have a DOB and/or SSN.
Find a Phone Number: You provide the name, date of birth, social security number or last known address and home phone and we will search for a cell phone line. $95 if we find the info or $25 if we do not. Add $30 if you don’t have a DOB and/or SSN.
Reverse Phone Number Advanced Carrier: Uncovers hard to find account billing name and address for pre-paid and VoIP accounts. You provide the phone number and we will search for the owner’s name and address. $175 if we find the info or $25 if we do not.
Advanced Carrier Find Mobile Phone: Uncovers hard to find pre-paid mobile numbers. You provide the Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number or Last known address and home phone and we will search for a cell phone line $175 if we find the info or $25 if we do not. Add $30 if you don’t have a DOB and/or SSN
Disconnect Info: You provide a disconnected phone number and we will search for the prior user name and address or forwarding info. $125 if we find the info or $25 if we do not.
Phone Search Request Form
To get started just email this form to our office. First time clients can make a payment on our website for the “Find Fee” listed above. If not found you will be refunded all but the no hit fee ($25 most of the time). Or you can mail this form to our office with payment. If you are an existing client and we have extended you an account in the past, you can just send your request to our office and request an invoice. To make a payment, click on make a payment line at the top of this and all pages.
If you need phone records for Court then make sure you get a subpoena to the correct location.
This is a list of addresses and emails for the major cell phone providers.
We can get the subpoena served for you. Cell Phone list for Subpoena.
How long do the cell phone providers keep records? Cellular Records Retention Period by Carrier
Guarantee: We guarantee excellent service by the best trained professional. Please know we can not control the outcome of your case. You are paying for time spent regardless of the results of your case. We are not attorneys and we are not giving legal advice.