Serving clients since 1998. Located in Beaverton, OR / Portland Metro area. “Celebrating 26+ years”
PI Services, a full service investigations company. Providing services for Private Investigations, Surveillance, Locating People & Assets, Background Checks, Process Serving, Small Claims & Writ of Garnishments Assistance, Phone Trace/Locate and more.
Description of all services, pricing and request forms are located on this website. We primary assist Attorneys, Corporations, Collection Departments, Credit Unions, Insurance Companies, Nannie Companies, Private Investigators and Process Servers around the USA. We also assist the General Public. We can help you. Click on anything in blue it’s a direct link for more information, prices and to get started now.
What would you like to know? Give us a call or send us an email for a free consultation.
Investigation Services
Investigations: State-Licensed Private Investigators are ready to assist you with over 37 years of experience in surveillance, locating people or assets and more. Need to find a Witness, Defendant, Heir or old friend? Need to find some assets, perform a banking institution search or find an employer to Garnish? We can help with that and more, from coast to coast. We tailor our investigations around your needs, getting you the results you need with personalized service and trusted advice. Just give us a call or email to see how we can help you. Click on our investigations page for more detailed information.
Process Serving: We serve documents from coast to coast. Email or mail us your documents. Our Professional Process Servers have a minimum of 8 years experience, most have 20+ years, we get them served. Prices start at $65. Click here for prices.
Small Claims Oregon: Need assistance with the entire Oregon small claims process? (Claims from $1 to $10,000.00) We can help you from start to finish. We will not take any of the money you are owed. The defendant will get charged with the fees if you win. See our Q & A.
Writs of Garnishments Oregon: Need assistance with a Writ of Garnishment to collect on a Judgment? After Judgment we can help you garnish the subject’s bank accounts and / or wages from an employer. The defendant will get charged with the cost. See our Q & A.
Background Checks: Do you know who you are associating with? Dating someone? Planning to hire someone to do some work for you? Planning to do business with someone new? Protect yourself, your investments and most of all your loved ones. Do a background check first.
AAA Oregon/Idaho providers click here.
Registered Agent Services: We can be your Registered Agent in Oregon … for free!. We can accept legal documents for your company to do business in Oregon. Our Clients only pay a fee if we receive documents for their company.
GPS Tracking: Do you know where your partner is? Are your being told the truth about where your kids go? Get the answers you deserve without the hassle or monthly fees. Have live 24/7 support from a local investigator. We use the best equipment available.
Make a Payment: Make a payment with a credit card, debit card, PayPal. Just read the page before making a payment.
Contact us: Phone, Email, mailing address, office address, fax, ect.
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Thank you for calling on us anytime you need anything in Oregon and across the U.S.A.
SO YOU NEED AN OREGON INVESTIGATOR? Take a look at our competitors’ websites. They have lots of nice photos but don’t provide details about services. Why do they not list prices? We offer decades of experience helping law firms and others with full transparency. Chose wisely, give us a call for a free consultation.
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