Oregon Statewide Circuit Court Background Search
Criminal Felony & Misdemeanor (Criminal)
Violations & Infractions (non-Criminal)
Civil Cases, Small Claims & Evictions
Domestic Relations/Family Law & Probate/Restraining Orders
Select One of the Above – $25*
Select Two of the Above – $30*
Select All of the Above – $35*
*Pre-Payment is required. You may make a payment on our website then email the form to our office or you may mail the form with a check to our office.
Want to download our background request form? Click here:
Oregon 10 year Background Check Request Form (PDF)
Need to get a background check with a potential employer or to be a volunteer? Click here: Employee / Volunteer Background check
Roadside Assistance Service Providers. Click here:
AAA background checks
Don’t forget to check maiden names, aka’s, fka’s. Each name searched is a separate search.
If we find records and you would like copies from the court file, we can do that. We routinely obtain copies from court files for Clients. Most of the time it’s $25 + court cost & postage.
Volume Searches: We have some Clients who search a dozen names per month and we have some Clients who search hundreds of names per month. We can set up a custom package designed to fit your needs, offering discounts for any size company or affiliation.
*We will do our best to search records. However, if you do not give us the correct spelling or the exact date of birth we may not find all the records for your subject. Understand some cases do not list dates of birth, therefore we may not be able to determine if the subject is the same person just because the name is the same. In some cases copies may need to be pulled from the court file to attempt to determine if the subject is the same person.
The above search is a basic background check. Some situations may require a much more comprehensive background check. Please contact our office to go over the details.