Small Claims Preparation Request Form The more information you provide on the defendant(s) the better we can get the person(s) served. Before you fill this out read our Oregon Small Claims Q & A page. You are the Plaintiff. You are claiming a Defendant(s) owes the following sum of money: *required field ($1 to $10,000.) The above money was due on or about this date: *required field JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Month 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Day 2017201820192020202120222023202425 Year The reason the defendant(s) still owe you the above sum of money: *required field (max length is 250 character spaces, because it's best to keep it short) You, the Plaintiff, are required to file your case in the Oregon County that the issue, damage, claim, injury, or contract took place or the County the defendant resides in. County in State of Oregon: —Please choose an option—BakerBentonClackamasClatsopColumbiaCoosCrookCurryDeschutesDouglasGilliamGrantHarneyHood RiverJacksonJeffersonJosephineKlamathLakeLaneLincolnLinnMalheurMarionMorrowMultnomahPolkShermanTillamookUmatillaUnionWallowaWascoWashingtonWheelerYamhill*required field Plaintiff #1 Name or Company Name: *required field If Company, list Company Contact Person: Plaintiff #1 Phone: *required field Plaintiff #1 Email: *required field (Confidential, Not Disclosed) Plaintiff #1 Address: City: State: Zip: Plaintiff #2 Name: Plaintiff #2 Phone: Plaintiff #2 Address: Defendant #1 Name or Company Name: *required field If Company, list Registered Agent: (Oregon Registered Agent Search) Defendant #1 Phone: Defendant #1 Address: *required field City: *required field State: *required field Zip: *required field Defendant #1 DOB or approximate age: Defendant #1 Social Security #: Defendant #1 Physical Description: (Got a photo? Email to Defendant #1 Vehicle: Defendant #1 Best time to find at home: Defendant #1 Name of Employer and Phone: Defendant #1 Employer address: Defendant #1 Best time to find at work: Defendant #2 Name or Company Name: If Company, list Registered Agent: (Oregon Registered Agent Search) Defendant #2 Phone: Defendant #2 Address: City: State: Zip: Defendant #2 DOB or approximate age: Defendant #2 Social Security #: Defendant #2 Physical Description: (Got a photo? Email to Defendant #2 Vehicle: Defendant #2 Name of Employer and Phone: Defendant #2 Employer address: Defendant #2 Best time to find at work: Defendant #3 Name or Company Name: If Company, list Registered Agent: (Oregon Registered Agent Search) Defendant #3 Phone: Defendant #3 Address: City: State: Zip: Defendant #3 DOB or approximate age: Defendant #3 Social Security #: Defendant #3 Physical Description: (Got a photo? Email to Defendant #3 Vehicle: Defendant #3 Name of Employer and Phone: Defendant #3 Employer address: Defendant #3 Best time to find at work: I will not hold PI Services, LLC responsible for any issues with any portion of my case. I understand they are not attorneys and are not providing me with legal advice. They are preparing documents at my direction. I have reviewed the above information to make sure it’s correct. I understand I will be solely responsible for the content. I also understand that if I provide the wrong information and the documents need to be redone or amended or adjusted after filing, that I will pay a $30 fee to PI Services to repair or amend the documents. I understand I can request that PI Services sign on my behalf and file my case immediately after I submit this form. I understand that PI Services will charge $105 for preparation of all documents, which includes process service at one address in the Portland Metro area. Outside the Portland Metro area, there will be an additional process service fee of $5 to $30 depending on the location in Oregon (some exceptions). I have read and reviewed the information available on regarding Small Claims, Process Serving and seen the links to the state rules and procedures. I understand the process and the prices, I have read the Make a Payment page of I understand the Court filing fee of $57 (claim amount $1 to $2500) or $102 (claim amount $2501 to $10,000) payable to the State of Oregon is required to file a Small Claims case. I understand PI Services will advance the court fee(s) to expedite the filing of my claim for a minimal charge of $5 to advance the court fees on my behalf. I understand that I can mail payment to PI Services or I can make a payment on If making a payment on I understand I will need to add 4% for credit card processing. If I win my case, or if the defendant does not respond, I understand all cost and service fees will be added to the amount I am seeking in my claim. If the defendant fails to respond, I understand PI Services will request the Court award all cost as well as a $117 prevailing party fee, to be add to my Judgment. I have read and agree with the above: *required field YesNo Case Handling: Regular / Due CourseExpedited / Rush handling (add $35) Expedited / Rush handling costs $35. This charge can not be added to your claim. My claim amount is: $2500 or less$2501 to $10,000 If your claim is $2500 or less then please select your payment option: (My claim amount is $2500 or less so the Court will charge $57 to file my case. PI Services will charge $105, +$5 to advance the court fees and +$35 for Rush handling if requested.) 1. PRE-APPROVED ACCOUNT, COURT FEES ADVANCED: I have a pre-approved account with PI Services. Please advance court fees and invoice me for all services. I understand PI Services will charge me $5 to advance court fees and an additional $35 if Rush handling is requested to file my case.2. PREPAY BY CHECK, COURT FEES ADVANCED: I am a first time Client. I want to file my case as soon as possible. Please advance me the court filing fees. I understand this will be an additional $5 fee. To start my case I will mail a check for $167 (Regular handling) or $202 (Rush handling) to PI Services LLC PO BOX 157 Beaverton, OR 97075.3. PREPAY WITH CREDIT CARD ONLINE, COURT FEES ADVANCED: I am a first time Client. I want to file my case as soon as possible. Please advance me the court filing fees. I understand this will be an additional $5 fee. To start my case I have made a payment on for $167 (Regular handling) or $202 (Rush handling). I also understand I will need to add 4% when making a payment on If your claim is $2501 up to $10,000 then please select your payment option: (My claim amount is $2,501 up to $10,000, so the court will charge $102 to file my case. PI Services will charge $105, + $5 to advance the court fees and +$35 for Rush handling if requested.) 1. PRE-APPROVED ACCOUNT, COURT FEES ADVANCED: I have a pre-approved account with PI Services. Please advance court fees and invoice me for all services. I understand PI Services will charge me $5 to advance court fees and an additional $35 if Rush handling is requested to file my case.2. PREPAY BY CHECK, COURT FEES ADVANCED: I am a first time Client. I want to file my case as soon as possible. Please advance me the court filing fees. I understand this will be an additional $5 fee. To start my case I will mail a check for $207 (Regular handling) or $242 (Rush handling) to PI Services LLC PO BOX 157 Beaverton, OR 97075.3. PREPAY WITH CREDIT CARD ONLINE, COURT FEES ADVANCED: I am a first time Client. I want to file my case as soon as possible. Please advance me the court filing fees. I understand this will be an additional $5 fee. To start my case I have made a payment on for $212(Regular handling) or $247 (Rush handling). I also understand I will need to add 4% when making a payment on Document handling:*required field Email me copies of the documentsMail me copies of the documents via US First Class Mail Please use the following email address for correspondence with me: Answer Quiz: (to reduce spam) 3 + 6 =