We have a high success rate for locating an address for most subjects residing in the US.  If you are interested then we encourage you to read this entire page.  We do not have a flat fee for locating a subject as there are just too many variables.  Most subjects have assets, family, employment, utility records, vehicles, etc. that assist in locating someone while others may be hiding intentionally.  We never know how difficult a locate will be until we try and we cannot guarantee we will locate everyone.  Most locates run $100 to $300 although some can be as low as $50 and few are as much as $500.   If you subject just moved or left you may want to hold off 60-90 days for a new address listing to show up.

Sometimes we will also find a phone number.  Other times we will have to search for a phone number if one is requested.  We have phone searches available, see this page for more info on phone searches.  Phone searches.  If you are trying to locate someone for service of process a phone will not be necessary.

Cost & Retainer Payment:  We do not have a set retainer/deposit amount.  If you think your subject resides in Oregon and will not be difficult to locate, $200 to $300 should work.  If you think your subject may be difficult to locate or residing outside of Oregon you may want to send $300 to $500.  You can make a retainer payment on our website or mail funds to our office with the request form to get started.  Minimum $200.  If you do not send enough funds we may have to stop our investigations when we have a potential lead.  Any funds not used will be refunded to you or you can place the funds on hold for other services such as process serving or small claims.

Time Frames:  Some could take a few days.  Most routine locate searches take 1 to 3 weeks.  This allows time to begin with basic searches and work our way up as needed to keep costs down.  Time is also often needed in order to confirm the address information we have identified.  We will keep searching until we find your subject or until we have exhausted all efforts. We ask that you PLEASE DO NOT call or email and ask for a status on a routine locate request, unless over two weeks.  We do not provide status updates.  Either we are still working on locating a subject or we have finished and turned over the results to you.  In order to keep costs down, we cannot take the time to go over each locate investigation as it transpires or provide partial reports or updates on every case or we would never get the work done.  Also, we have sources/secrets we have developed over 26+ years and we are not going to tell you how we do what we do. We need to focus our time on your requests and will keep trying until we find your subject or until we have exhausted all efforts.  We appreciate your understanding and support on this, it also helps keep your cost down.

Rush Time Frames:   We understand some clients will have a deadline/statute and may need us to rush a locate investigation.  We can do that, but understand we may not have time to confirm the address information found.   A rush fee will apply based on the scope of the job and will be $30 to $50.  If you do not have a statute then we would not recommend pushing a rush request.

Getting started:  Make sure you read this entire page.  Then just email the request form to the email address on the form.  Make sure to list all the known details of the subject(s) on our Locate Request Form.  Then make a retainer payment on our website.  Or you can mail you request form to our office with a retainer payment.  After we receive your request and payment, we will get started.  If you have a case or will have a future case then make sure you fill out the case information.  If no case has been filed yet then please use the word pending in the case number box.  If you do not receive a response in 24 hours, call our office to make sure we received your request.

Locate Request Form

Permissible Purpose to Receive Requested Info: If you have permissible purpose* to obtain the information then it will be provided to you most likely in one of two methods, either by Process Serving the subject found or providing the information to your attorney.

If you do not have permissible purpose and you would just like to locate someone such as an old friend or relative, we can still help you.   However, we may or may not be able to provide you directly with the address found.   It will depend on how we found the information obtained.   If the address found was found not using confidential sources, then we can and will provide you with the address.  If it was found under confidential methods, then we can forward a letter from you to them with your contact info or we can send a process server to make contact with the subject and hand deliver your letter.   Then leaving it up to the subject to contact you.   This is our way of protecting the subjects from misguided individuals.  Before we send someone out to the subject’s address, we may need a current photo of your driver’s license, so we can make sure you do not have a restraining order from the subject you are requesting we locate.

Are we licensed? Insured?  Do we have the experience needed?   Yes, we are licensed by The State of Oregon.  The State of Oregon first started licensing investigators in 1998.  Our original PI number in 1998 was OBI-256.  The State of Oregon does not require Oregon PI’s to have insurance, so only a good PI firm would have insurance.  We have insurance to protect our clients, because we care.  Go with a PI who has a lot of experience.  We have been helping clients for 24+ years.   Licensed and insured since 1998.  Check out our competition, you will see they have nice photos but no details of services and no prices listed.

*Permissible Purpose is defined in Section 604 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). [15 U.S.C. s 1681b]

Guarantee:   We guarantee excellent service by the best trained professional.   Please know we cannot control the outcome of your case.   You are paying for time spent regardless of the results of your case.  We are not attorneys and we are not giving legal advice.

Thank you for reading this entire page.   You must be as diligent as we are.  🙂

Last update 7/19/2023